Thursday, August 17, 2006

Okay, so I'm still hung up with zombies. A coupla new posts encouraged me to poop out a couple sketches of a zombie Santa. I think I just wanted to draw someone fat that would give me space to dangle some organs... See if you can spot the appendix...

I won't waste the space here, but I posted the doodles that led up to this sketch on my blog here - fun to look at for a laugh :)


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Here's my super late entry for Week 1...
I was'nt originally going to do it, but with an inaugural theme like Zombies VS. Pirates how can you not!
I just wanted to do something loose and fun and not restrict myself too much.
I didnt think that "rotting corpse" zombies have a ton of oppertunity for excitement so I opted for more of the "rabid rage infested" type zombies from 28 days later...
Then I thought, "make it a girl!"
'Cause girls are infinately cooler than boys...

So this is the only female aboard this particular pirate ship and you can only imagine what that might be like... Just call this a little zombie type payback...

So this is just rough digital paint over a loose sketch... I find that I need to constantly remind myself to "have a good time"... but once I do, its a ton of fun...



Friday, August 11, 2006

Phil G was right. Zombies are scarier when part of their heads are missing.


Here's the finished drawing.


I joined up late here, so I'm catching up with the assignments. This is my pirate / zombie drawing. A ship, for whatever reason, has been overrun with zombies. Here we see the last surviving pirate hiding from the walking dead. I thought it'd be a good twist to have the pirates be on the defensive, for once in their lives. I always think zombies are at their creepiest when most of their head is gone, forcing you to wonder who's at the wheel, as it were.

First is an early version, when I had just begun shading.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Oh you two!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I pulled together my dribbles over the weekend and tried to polish this one off. I wanted to take the layout more horizontal so adding the background bodies helped. I had a blast with the colors even though I'm not completely satisfied with 'em. It always takes me so long to pick and choose :)

More importantly - Kurt found this picture of Ernest Borgnine that looks frighteningly similar to my pirate! Man whatta creep! Borgnine, not Kurt.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

Alright, so after being belittled incesantly by Ryan and Margaret, I borrowed a scanner from a friend of mine and uploaded a sketch I did for the pirate/zombie theme. I guess a bag of dead zombie parts may fetch a high price on the black market. Thanks for keeping on my case M, Love you.

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Nobody expects zombie mermaids! They'll just grab you right down to the depths of the ocean. Hey, I made it on time with this watercolor. Having a cold won't keep me from drawing some mer-zombie action!


Hey everybody, this is my first post here, and surely not my last. I wasn't able to finish this piece, but here it is.


The deadly art of pirate zombie huntin'.
I always keep my fresh brains in a cardboard box...

Well here's my final image, This was a lot of fun.
Have a good weekend everybody.

Fridays not over yet!! get drawing!


Hey,...who here likes pirate nipples ? I had a better idea for this but not enough time to execute it properly. I will post that one when i complete it. In the mean time to save face i did this one at lunch today. Every one kicked ass. I didn't think everyone would get something done. KUDOS TO RYAN FOR STARTING THIS !!


Brad's a little shy about posting so I took the liberty of doing it for him...

There's genuine charm here though. A real child-like innocence. Seriously. I'd love to be able to draw like this again. Okay maybe "love" is a strong word...

Keep this up Brad! I don't care what your title is, I want to see a new drawing every week!

I dig the Medusa-like zombie by the way.



I did this at work, just a quick sketch. Hope to build it out a bit more, but you get the idea. Yeah Hey willryan, I did this in Painter, but I have Alias Sketchbook at home and I love that one as well.


Just some doodles from me. I had this idea of a pirate and zombie thumb wrestling but I don't think it's so clear. And the pose for the zombie is awkward with how the opposite arm needs to be crossing over. I hope to tighten the pirate over the weekend at least. Give him a pistol or something.

And some nameless pirate faces below.

Man whatta turn out though! I still haven't looked at any of them yet as I type this. Friday's are like Christmas and I get to gorge my eyes on all the drawings! Because that's what people do on Christmas...they gorge.


So the "Knuckle Sandwich" remains half-eaten. I started on the inks last night, and will have to wrap up on Sunday when I get some free time. Can't wait for the next assignment!


My inspiration is well.......the cannibal scene from Dead Man's Chest. It was too good an idea not to do anything. Well anyway---> hope everyone enjoys all the little details.....and even chinchi (my beautiful mini lop bunny) makes a guess appearance! I'm not into backgrounds, hence the simplicity of it. But I had a lot of fun drawing this sketch, and I hate zombies!



Here's my try at it. Not exactly what I wanted but close enough for the last min. There are a few things I'd like to fix up, but I'm rather happy with it for something kind of quick. Yar!


So this will go down as a work-in-progress week, but so far I'm pretty happy with it. All my sketches so far have been done pretty tiny, so it was great to open up on a couple big sheets of animation paper. It helped me loosen up a bunch. I wanna add a bunch more zombies and then move onto some color.
