Monday, February 26, 2007

Windy City Rollers T-Shirt Contest

If anyone's interested, Chicago's roller derby team is having a t-shirt design contest. Illustrator, 4 colors max. No money, but you get season tickets. The deadline is March 19.

More information here:

I went to the Roller Derby on Saturday, by the way. A Great Time. They clobbered Fort Wayne in every way except, I believe, graphic design. So good luck all.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Royal Family

This idea is from a few weeks back. I didn't really design a set of playing cards, but the topic did generate this idea of a "Royal" family. I sketched up this forelorn King, and I originally had this nagging Queen next to him. I just didn't like the composition, so I changed the Queen to a spoiled Prince riding a horse. I wonder if it was coincidence that this card topic was for Week 21.


Monday, February 19, 2007

A helluva guy...

Hadn't posted in a couple of weeks so I threw this down...and yes it is from a song.


Friday, February 16, 2007

what song is this?


Ice Age Fireman

At long last, a contribution!
Just a sketch at the moment. No time to color it as time is not my friend right now.
Bob Renzas
(Animal Qwacker)


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"I'm on ICE!"

I hope the idea comes across alright here. Lemme know though.

I meant for this one to be real quick. For the most part it was, but man, I could go for days tryin' to pick out colors. Sometimes, a limited palette is the toughtest to deal with.

I ain't too crazy 'bout the design of caveman frozen in the ice. Some weird choices I made lookin' back on it. The shape of the body, some of the incomplete lines in the head, how the head connects to the body. The strange thing was, I remember thinking that I should push his expression more while I was drawing him but then thinking, "I just want to get this done". Like I was rushing my homework just so I could get to that new video game. Pages 31-33 odds from my math book before I could get to my brand new $60 Super Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. Agony.

I scanned every development doodle for this image and put 'em up on my
blog if anyone cares to take a peek.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Week 25: Guess That Song!

This may be hard to get because it's not exactly main-stream, but we shall see!
First to guess what it is gets a doughnut!**

**not really


favorite songs

I wouldn't say this is my very favorite, but it's up there.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Week 25

Draw That Song
Outsider Art Club, session 125

In the spirit of the Grammys, draw your favorite song and see if we can figure it out. I was listening to the radio this weekend, and they were playing the wacky DJ game where people call in and sing part of a song and the DJ tries to guess what song it is. This could be easy, or really tough depending on how obscure your pick is.

Get to drawing.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Extra! Extra!!

LASCAUX, France - Archeologists have just discovered what may be proof of prehistoric firemen. This prehistoric cave painting (pictured left) believed to date back to the Ice Age, shows prehistoric man effectively extinguishing wild flames....


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fire-fighting Cromagnum


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Week 24: Fire-Fighting In The Ice Age

Hey all! Sorry it's been so long since my last post!
Here's my submission for week 24!
Hope you like it :)


Week 22: 8 Legs to VICTORY!

In 1958, when a team in the NHL had to win 2, best-of-7 series to take home the Stanley Cup a couple guys had the bright idea to throw a dead octopus on the ice at the first game of the first serires. The guys were staunch Detroit Red Wings fans. The eight legs of the octopus symbolized the eight games that Detroit would have to win to own the Stanley Cup for the first time. Low and behold Detroit swept both series that year, winning eight games straight. Ever since, the "unofficial" mascot of the team has been the Dead Octopus.

I've drawn the unfortunate Thought-It-Was-Dead-But-Was-Only-Unconscious Octopus during his fall to the ice (where he would most likely be smacked about with a hocky stick and then flipped into the trash). Just a sketch here, but I'm so far behind I needed to get something posted before I loose the very little steam I've been able to build up so far. I may finish it off in the next few days, but I seriously need to pimp my ride and then get back to fighting fires some 40 million years ago (seriously, I'm such a dork).



Sunday, February 04, 2007


I didn'y know this was a recent topic. I hadn't been here in a while, but I did this on my own and posted it on my Myspace page. Kinda serendipitous. Too bad they choked.


OAC Week 15: Spaghetti Symphony

When Drawing this Spaghetti Symphony picture, I was listened to hoobastank; "If I were You"


No. Thank YOU, Rex Grossman



I felt compelled to do something up quick for the biggest Chicago game in some time.


Week 24

Firemen In The Ice Age
Outsider Art Club, session 124

This week had some great work, especially with it being a bit of a swerve off the beaten path for Outsider themes. So this week, let's get back to the sweet spot of the OAC with Dave Pryor's idea:

Firmen In The Ice Age

Simple and wacky sounds good to me. Let's get drawing!

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This is my Mooobile. It's a Kia Sportage with Lamborghini doors. Sattelite dish mounted on the top (of course) . TV monitors in the visors and on the head rests. Pleather seats though. GOT MILK? It sure does. There's a milk fountain right above the heated cup holders.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

pimp my ride

this would save me sooooo much money...

if only.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Pimp my WHAT? (W.I.P)

My ride don't need pimped, its a sweet ass scooter. This is just a sketch that i drew up so far. Not sure if i like the pose on the scooter. And that's my cat batman trailing behind holding on for dear life.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mas Chingon....

It doesn't matter if you're rollin' the in burbs, barrio, or hood, you're gonna turn some heads. The lowrider is universal. I did one heavily influenced by Almera and a "OG" one....
