Sunday, November 26, 2006

Cerveza y Sausage (Chorizo)

Please excuse the tardiness and nipples. I combined the power of Cinco de Mayo und Oktoberfest. I also included a drunk Mexican Leprechaun.....


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Emancipation Day

Lincoln crossed with a groundhog. Let's just hope he doesn't see his shadow.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Holiday Mix Up

I'm a little late to the party on this one. A great topic; it was hard to choose which holidays to combine! In the end, I chose to have a Leprechaun barfing on Easter bunnies.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Halloween + Valentine's Day


Santa Abe

Darn- I already see a Santa and an Abe post already! I knew that would happen! lol! Here’s my entry- this is from a sketch I did on the train Tuesday. I’m not that thrilled with how it came out, but I’m posting it anyway. ;)


Friday, November 17, 2006

Cupid Claus

My wife suggested this one and I laughed my butt off. Three cheers to the lady of the house, for she's still got it. Great topic! And might I say, there have been some rather excellent posts as of late. Great work outsider artists


Saint Abe

Yes! On time this week!

I mixed Abraham Lincoln's Birthday with St. Patrick's Day. Nothin' like a tall glass of drunk.

Yep. That's all I got :) Great topic Ham on Ry.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Amargein's last day working at Santa's workshop.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Old Castle

The music I picked is The Old Castle, movement #4 from Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. I guess I chose an easy target, considering that Pictures is basically a suite of pieces about paintings done by a friend of the composer. So, visual hints abound. Still, Mussorgsky knew his stuff. The song is slow, in a minor key, and is pretty sparse and dirge-like. Bassoons drone across the bottom like planks. Basses plunk now and then like load-bearing columns, all of which is background for a now-and-then saxophone melody that sounds nearly off key. It sounds tired and crooked. If dust had a theme song, this would be it.

Link to a sample at amazon for the curious. track four.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Family Man

Here is the first image I made while listening to the song "Family Man" by Hall and Oats. I didn't initially see anything in the scribbles. Only after a while of peering did I make out an alien creature in one section. I thought it was appropriate, because I could imagine Darryl Hall singing to the alien "Leave me alone... I'm a Family Man..." right before he was abducted for probing.



For my second try. I listened to "Smile" by Lily Allen. The scribbles seemed to come out the same to me. Maybe it's just the way I draw with my eyes closed. I tried to keep the found art themed with the song - and looked for some smiling faces within the linework.


Maybe You can Owe Me

For the third exercise, I listened to "Maybe You Can Owe Me" by Architecture in Helsinki. If you do nothing else with your life today - go and download this song of of iTunes. It is simply awesome. I thought it might be fun to look for one object in the mess of scribbles - and I was kind of hungry at the time. Skipped breakfast today, and toast came to mind. This song drifted off at the end, and it had me drawing much lighter, looser connected lines. It was a pleasant ride.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Week 16

Holiday Mashup!
Outsider Art Club, session 116

Well, Rocky has failed us all in getting a theme over to the clubhouse, so I'll make up an emergency theme in the meantime!

Holiday Mashup

Conjure up your inner Tim Burton and create an illustration that slams together the best of two holidays. Just like Nightmare Before Christmas made the perfect Halloween and X-mas stew, find two holidays and pitch them together.

Dan Rutter, you're next!

Get to drawing!

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Powerhouse scribbles

This was pretty challenging for me. I listened to a few selections from "Reckless Nights and Turkish Twilights" by Raymond Scott when doodling these scribbles. The music is instrumental and very visual. With song titles like "The Girl At The Typewriter" or "Dinner Music For A Pack Of Hungry Cannibals" it's hard not to let your imagination run wild - which is probably why he worked so well with animation. If you're interested here's a link to amazon.

So here's what I spat out:

This makes me think of a cyclops that's wondered into a graffiti filled alley.

And this alludes to some sort of pullution taking over and the domino fella has no choice but stand to the side with the clean air.

I was just playing with different media and trying to "feel" the music. I imagined that the scribbles would be more coherent however. I was hoping people looking at this mess could actually see the timing and practically imagine the music. I guess in an attempt to "illustrate" a whole song on one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper everything runs together :) I seriously had a hard time imaging these lines as anything but a mess in the end. There was a buncha scribbles I did spanning multiple sheets of papaer taped together and I did kinda think the white sqaure shapes where the tape was reminded me of dominos for some reason. That's where that came from. Layering all the scribbles together inspired some other thoughts like graffiti or pollution. So it was definitely an attempt at something more abstract.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Fortuitous Nonsense

Here is my "Spaghetti Symphony" painting, entitled, "Bauble of Baron Loss". You can read a slightly detailed account of its creation on my blog...
This is the blind scribble from which the final image emerged; it was drawn while listening to Don Henley's "Boys of Summer". It's weird to think that anything could be made out of that chaos, but the key to one of many happy accidents can be found in the lower right-hand corner--which looked rather like a heart to me...


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ghetto Maul...(Or the Maul white people use to go to!)

I haven't posted in a while, but here is a little something for the Star Wars fix. Still workin on the BG, so I'll post that up soon.


I liked Bob's IG-88 a lot. This graphic idea poped in my head and I had to try it out. IG is so stiff - he was just a prop in the movies - and he lends himself well as a stand in for the letter "I".


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ghetto Ewok

The ewoks needed some ghetto representation, so here's my entry!


Monday, November 06, 2006

Star Whores

This was a great topic Don! There are so many characters to draw from. A great turn out this week with some new recruits too!

Here's my paint job on the "Dengar and the girls" piece. Originally I was thinking real chocolately browns and baby blues for the girls. I still think that would be cool. I think the more I got into it, the more I was trying to create some sorta contrast with some hot colors. I dunno, I guess that felt "gangsta" to me. One thing I didn't like about the sketch is how short the girls' legs were. I shoulda lengthened them from the knees down in Photoshop. I got so far into coloring though I forgot about it. And then the costumes had these sheer leg parts that weren't turning out to my liking. The solution was to crop it! The squarer composition I ended up liking better anyway so I don't feel too bad. Kinda reminds me of an album cover.

I had another quick idea for an IG-88 image. That droid is so stiff it's funny imagining him doing anything. I did this one pretty fast and comparitively there's actually a lot more I like about it than my Dengar. I'm still really drawn to flat art. Just goes to show, time doesn't necessarily equal quality. And personally, I can feel just as safistfied, if not more, with something quick.

I'll try to post some development sketches on my own blog tonight. The girlies I started drawing were horrid...


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Week 15

Spaghetti Symphony
Outsider Art Club, session 115

Here's Ian's theme for the next week:

Spaghetti Symphony

I call this one “Spaghetti Symphony”, and unlike previous assignments, this one has executable instructions. Pick a song that might inspire you to create; it could be a favorite song or a song you actively dislike. Play this song once while sitting in front of your drawing board or computer or whatever. While it is playing, close your eyes and scribble across your drawing surface, hurriedly or deliberately, to whatever degree you feel compelled. Once the music has stopped, look at what you’ve set down and try to find a picture inside of it. The main rule is this: your finished image must be comprised only of elements found within your scribbles; also, the finished piece must show evidence of the unused lines. The drawings may be loose, even abstract, and they might end up just being colorful nonsense mosaics: this one’s about the journey, not the idea.

Rocky is next on the theme list: e-mail the club hotline by next Friday with your theme!

Get to drawing!

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ain't Nothin' But a Force Thang!

Yoda the thug. Leah the hoochie. Luke the pimp. Who's going to turn these into a film. I'd go to see it!


Friday, November 03, 2006

Jedi Springer

What could be more ghetto than the show Jerry Springer? It's more trashy than ghetto, but none the less...



heres my rough, There are some great entries this week, I love it. I will do another pass on mine before i try and clean it up and color it this weekend, but heres where im at. I always thought if R2 and C3PO were two brothas from the street, that C3PO would be R2's Bitch. HAHAHAHA

I added a color version, i had to rush this out, ive been spending alot of time on 3d on a new character, he is up on my blog.


Wannabe Dengar?

Really more of an excuse to draw some girlies this week. I chose to make Dengar the bounty hunter into Snoop Dogg here. There is no love for Dengar it seems. Dengar is the ugliest and most pathetic hunter of the gang so I thought draping a few girls on him would be a nice contrast. Overweight and wrapped like a mummy, he'd be lucky if Jabba's dancers gave him the time.


Shoot right or be shot


My Riiiims!!!

Ghetto Star Wars - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

The rebels would all be too busy shooting each other to take any interest in the fate of the galaxy. Also, every rebel ship would have giant spinny wheels, so they'd all be slower, less maneuverable, and take longer to stop. The empire would run rings around them.


I always saw Bib Fortuna as somewhat of a pimp for Jabba the Hutt. The way he forced Leia up in his face - always stuck with me. Bib has the stature for it - and the 1983 Kenner action figure even came with a pimpin' cane.


Princess Leia - Bratz Edition

If you have even been in the toy aisle then you have seen the Bratz dolls and boy are they ghetto. If they were ever licensed to make Star Wars characters I would imagine they'd look something like this. Here is the Limited Edition Princess Leia Bratz Baby. Very hard to find!


C-bacca mugshot

Hey whats up everyone! This is my first blog here in the O.A.C. Hope you enjoy.
p.s. Thanks for the invite!! -JHOYE


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Luke Skywalka Will Step To

I know Photoshopping is the bunk, but that Luke attitude is aight.



This was fun!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006


This was the first idea that came to's just wrong, I know.
