Well, I finally got my act together enough to submit a piece by the deadline. In case anyone has wondered where I've gotten off to, you can check out several new pieces on my blog; if no one has wondered where I've been, that's okay, too. Anyhow, this drawing is entitled, "Incident at a Connecticut Nursery, 1948". Take care, all, and thanks for looking!
Labels: Week 05
beautiful hatch work
Hillarious. Great job on the ink technique as well sir Ian.
Fantastic, Ian - definitely my favorite submission from you so far. Very disciplined hatching; it's very easy to go overboard with that technique, but you really hit the right balance. Great work.
Lightning bolt shading on the diaper?! That stuff takes time! These aren't just quick stroke marks people! I'm consistently amazed Ian.
Really nice work yet again. I'm probably missing some of the message here, but that's only because I'm a dope.
Your commenters are right. Your hatching powers are formidable!
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